First Observation and requirement of analysis
I. System Investigation Concept
a. Differences between purpose of system and condition of real system.
b. Report detect problems not real system.
1. The purpose is excessive ideal.
2. Lacking of resource and or attitude.
3. Measuring of system is not so accurate.
4. The purpose of system was backward.
5. The difference of ideal system and several system.
c. Problem Solving
1. Simplification system which it is processing : investigation in
2. To get the ideal system consensus.
3. Developing some alternative.
4. Chosening best alternative.
d. The purpose of investigation : showing the real problems.
II. The problems in investigation system
When investigation, there are some problem, that is :
a. Time
b. Expense
c. Science
d. Politics
e. Interference
III. Recommendation
The result from investigation is a recommendation. That is :
a. Not to take the deed : not find a problem.
b. Conservancy of system : some little problem.
c. Improving ability or consumens skill.
d. Consider the system modification.
e. Placing problem that happened into system development plan which is
immediately conducted.
IV. Tactics of investigation
a. Why we need a tactics ?
1. Finding problems.
2. Recognized the cause of problem.
3. Determining correct solution.
b. To do that in order all of system element can received the bidding of
solution without bothering their activity.
c. Some tactics, we can do it :
1. Listening opinion of consumer of system.
2. Don't give the began solving.
3. Comparing story some people perpetrator of system to is same case.
4. Paying attention the problem of logikal inkonsistensi.
V. Technique of investigation
a. Direct :
1. Quisioner
2. Question and answer
3. Perception
b. In direct :
1. Procedure stream
2. Studying document
3. Sampel
4. Tabular
VI. Description System in this time :
a. Input
b. Output
c. File
d. Data element
e. Transaction volume and action document
f. Data flowchart
VII. Requirement of analysis
Stage of intensive interaction between system analysis with the user, where
team development the system to show the ability to get the response and con-
sumen's belief until get the good partisipation.
a. The purpose of which wish to be reached
1. Explain the system.
2. Describe the ideal information system.
3. Bringing ideal information system to condition in this time by paying
attention resource constraint.
4. Give the support to consumens faith in to systems development.
b. Method
1. Question and answer
2. Quisioner
3. Observation
4. Analysis procedure
5. Perception of document
c. Resource constraint
1. Time
2. Money
3. Membership
4. Technology
5. External factor
d. Document requirement of analysis
1. Analyst instruction : relation with last consument, observation process,
the problem in collecting data.
2. Requirement of user : the real necessity, report necessity, training ne-
cessity,and influence of new system.
3. System constraint : explain the constraint time and cost, skill, techno-
logy, and external factor.
4. Document in the form of data collecting instrument,statistical consensus,
data stream by logikal and physical, data element early in data dictiona
VIII. Generating systems alternatives
a. How the way to bring closer system condition in now with ideal system condi
tion ?
1. Make alternative for solving the information system problem.
2. The best alternative applied wisely.
b. Strategy choise
1. Distributed versus centralized processing
Alteration information decision of centralized data processing to decen-
tralized end user responsibility center.
2. Integrated versus dispersed database
Designing system must consider the data, which it to enter in database &
in file.
3. Surround Strategy of System Development
The circle is important strategy in the way of taking company because in-
formation system from other company maybe is differing.
c. Tactics choise : before designing operational selection.
d. Designing operational selection
Designing selection can be grouped into :
1. Input
- Online Vs Off Line Data Entry
- Keyed Vs Machine Readable Data Entry
- Centralized Vs Decentralized Data Entry
2. Processing
- Batch Vs Realtime record update
- Sequential Vs Direct Access to records
- Single Vs Multiple User update of records
3. Output
- Traditional Vs Turn Around Documents
- Structured Vs Inquiry based reports
IX. Selecting the proper system
a. System the based of cost and profit with relative. There are 3 way system A, that is more preeminent than other system, if :
1. A have a cost more inferior than B and the profit of both are same.
2. A have a cost more inferior than B and A yielding profit is more much than B.
3. A and B have a some cost, but A's profit is more much.
b. Some komparasi system method
1. Break Even point Analyisis
2. Payback Period
3. Discounted PayBack period
4. Internal Rate of Return
c. Categorize expense
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. People
4. Suppliers
5. Teleccommunications
6. Physical sites
d. Detail of expense
Comparing the expense of information system through life of system, projection analyst how much/many change of expense for the future and there is 3 model of is expense of information system that is Linear, Eksponensial and of Step Function.
e. Expense of information system earn just happened once and earn also happened chronically.
1. Expense of just information system that happened once that is cost ontime and of development cost that happened system development moment.
2. Expense of information system that happened continually among others is cost reccuring and also cost operational where this expense happened information system moment operate every day.
X. Factor of information system
a. Factor Qualitative which is good information system performance flange among others :
1. Lessen the mistake stage.
2. Lessen the time for repair the mistake.
3. Lessen the time carefully from alternative workstation.
4. QUicken the time information preparation.
5. Improving the security of system.
6. Multiplying update the source record active.
7. Improving the consumens decision.
b. Factor of company's strategy
1. Satisfaction of consumer.
2. Level of sales are increasing.
3. Consumer commitment and of vendor.
4. Information product marketing.
XI. Presenting study of system
a. To do presentation with short time.
b. Lessen technique explanation with detail
c. If using model use appliance assist for example laptop so that more informative.
XII. Decision to continue or not
a. If a company deside to developing the system, so departement information will dot the next process, that is Design System process.
b. If on the contrary, so System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be discontinued.
c. Often, we find a problem in system study and ussually top management will ask for process of doing it to study system again.
d. The model will explain repeated step some part and sometime information department will make decision to repeat step before explaining study system.
e. By alternative, decision for repeat a stage SDLC previous or not, it is Go – No – Go-Decision.
Ref :
Slide PPT Pengamatan Awal, Kebutuhan Analisis; Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ER, S.KOM, M.KOM
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